Monthly Liturgy Guide
4th Sunday of Easter    

Sign of the Cross


Praise be to Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
May his love and protection be with you all.

Introduction and Litany of Praise

Option A
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who calls each of us by name.
Have we been faithful in following his call?
Let us examine ourselves. (Pause)

Lord Jesus, you are the lamb who takes away our sin:
Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you guard us as a shepherd guards his sheep:
Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you lead us to springs of living water:
Lord, have mercy.

Option B

Today the church celebrates "Vocation Sunday".
We are reminded of the great need for men and women to serve the church as Priests, Religious and Lay Workers. Jesus urges us to "ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to his harvest". Have we really prayed hard for and encouraged vocations?

Lord Jesus, our shepherd, you came to lead us to the Father.
Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you called disciples to continue your work on earth.
We are your disciples today: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you invite us to serve our brothers and sisters and to lead them to the banquet prepared for them: Lord, have mercy

Opening Prayer

Option A
God of lasting love,
fulfill your plan of salvation
to gather into one fold
the peoples from every nation,
from all nations, language and way of life.

Attune our ears to the voice of the Good Shepherd,
who leads us to you,
that we may be counted among those
who know and follow you.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,
the resurrection and the life,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Option B
O God, the fountain of joy and peace,
into the hands of your risen Son
you have entrusted the destinies of peoples and of nations.

Sustain us with the power of your Spirit,
that amidst the changes of life in this world,
we may never become separated from Christ our Good Shepherd,
who guides us to springs of life-giving water.

We ask this through the Lord Jesus,
our Passover and our Peace,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.


Liturgy of the Word




P        On this Vocations Sunday we bring our needs to God, asking for the grace to respond generously to God's call to be witnesses in the world.

             With confidence we pray:

CM     Lord, hear your people.
(Please repeat)

We pray for the young people of our parishes struggling to find their identity in the church. May we give our wholehearted support to those whom you are calling to priesthood, religious life and mission. Let us pray:

That by their dedication and spirit of service our Christian families may provide the favorable climate in which a commitment to a life of Christian service may take root and grow, let us pray:

That young people may encounter Christ as the meaning and inspiration of their lives; that they may be willing to become for others the heart of Christ that loves and the hands of Christ hands that heal. Let us pray:

Lord, you call an immense crowd from every nation, race and language to find their way to God. May they listen to your voice and follow you. We pray:

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

P     God, you show no partiality based on race or culture,
for in Christ you gather all people into one.
Sustain your church as a community of peace and prayer,
and lead us to the fullness of life in Christ.
We ask this in Jesus' name. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

O God, you are a God who cares.
You prepare for us the table of life.
You invite us to stand around your throne and worship you
for our robes have been washed white again in the blood of the Lamb.
Grant that, with him - Jesus Christ our Lord -
we may praise you for ever and ever. AMEN.

Intro to the Lord's Prayer

Let us pray with Christ our Shepherd to God the Father,
confident that he will hear our petitions:

Deliver us Lord  

Deliver us, Lord, from all that divides us
and bring us together under the leadership of Jesus.
Let us share in the peace of his caring and forgiving love,
save us from all anxiety,
and bring us to the source of living water -
he who is our Shepherd, our Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ, you said:
'I am the good Shepherd.
The sheep that belong to me listen to my voice:
I know them and they follow me.
I give them eternal life;
they will never be lost.'
Good Shepherd, bind us to you and to one another
so that we may enjoy the peace and unity of your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever.

Exchange of Peace
We are God's people, the sheep of his flock.
Let us offer each other the peace given to us by Christ our shepherd.

Optional Prayer to accompany the ‘Breaking of Bread’

P      This is Jesus, the Lamb on the throne,
who leads us to the springs of life,
that we may never hunger or thirst again.
Happy are we to be invited to this banquet.

A     LAMB OF GOD.....

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, who loved his own to the end.
Happy are we who love one another as he has loved us.

Lord, I am not worthy…

Prayer after Communion   

Father, we have listened to the voice of your Son
speaking to us here in this Eucharist.
He has brought us to fresh pastures;
he has wiped away our tears;
our cup is overflowing.

May we keep close to him,
and follow him wherever he leads us

Grant this through the same Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May God the Father
who called you as sheep of his flock,
bless you and lead you to your promised home. AMEN.

May Jesus Christ, who laid down his life for his sheep,
grant you the fullness of life. AMEN

May the Holy Spirit, who sustains those born again in Christ,
keep your minds and hearts in the way of peace. AMEN.

And may God, who is love itself,
help us all to love one another;
and may he bless you all,
+ the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


Christ has made you a light for the nations,
so that his salvation may reach the ends of the earth.

Related Resources
Daily Scripture Readings
from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops
Liturgy Alive
Models of Liturgical Celebration                     
About the Author
Fr. Kevin McHugh
is a Columban Missionary from Ireland
who has served in the Philippines for many years.
He has devoted much of his time and efforts to make the liturgical participation
come alive in our Christian communities.

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