Liturgy Guide


The Baptismal font - with bubbling water - is positioned in the Sanctuary. Behind it is a small table upon which a suitable container is placed. A leafy branch may replace the Aspergilum.
[More containers are available for SMHCs should the Presider require assistance.]

Before the Eucharist begins the Commentator invites the Assembly to practice at least one verse of the hymn, 'COME HOLY SPIRIT, WE NEED YOU'. S/he later informs Assembly that the CREDO and the 'Prayer of the Faithful' ? will be omitted.

The Procession of the Ministers takes place in the usual way while the Assembly sing NEW LIFE.

Sign of the Cross


Praised be the Lord Jesus, the beloved Son of God!
And may the Spirit,
who descended upon him at his baptism,
be with you all.

The Presider may wish to introduce the Liturgy linking the characters
/ themes of recent celebrations.

Birth of Jesus; Shepherds; Magi / Wise men;
30 years later, the Beginning of Jesus Ministry ( e.g. Beginning of Mark's gospel)

Penitential Rite is omitted because of the Rites that will be held after the Homily.


Opening Prayer

Option A
God of the covenant,
you anointed your beloved Son
with the power of the Holy Spirit,
to be the light for the nations
and release for captives.
Grant that we who are born again of water and the Spirit
may proclaim with our lips the good news of his peace
and show forth in our lives the victory of his justice.
We make our prayer through Jesus Christ,
your Word made flesh,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Option B
Father of everlasting glory,as we celebrate today
the mystery of Jesus' baptism in the river Jordan,
renew in us our own baptism.
Pattern our lives on the One anointed by the Spirit,
the One you have specially chosen,
the Beloved with whom you are well pleased.
We make our prayer through the same Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
in the splendor of eternal light,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Liturgy of the Word


Renewal of Baptismal Promises

After the Homily the Commentator requests the Assembly to STAND
The Presider (and Ministers) standing behind the Water Font says:

We now celebrate the beginning of Jesus' ministry,
for today at his BAPTISM
the Spirit has proclaimed him as Messiah:
as the PRIEST who would sacrifice his life for others,
as the PROPHET who would reveal God's presence
in word and in action,
as the KING who would proclaim his kingdom from a cross.

We too, in our Baptism, have been anointed by the Spirit
and have received a similar mission.

If you are willing to commit yourself
to our common task of building God's kingdom in the year 2005
I ask you to respond: YES, I DO BELIEVE!
to each of the following questions.

T H E    P R O M I S E S

P: God, our Creator and FATHER,
has formed us from the earth
and breathed life into us;
has called us to new life
in the water of Baptism
and the fire of the Spirit. [pause]
Do you believe in God, our Creator and Father?


P: JESUS was born in human flesh of the Virgin Mary,
and at the Jordan
was anointed by the Holy Spirit as Messiah.
By his life, death and rising
he has shown us how to live and how to die;
he will come again in lasting glory. [pause]
Do you believe in this JESUS?


P: The HOLY SPIRIT has anointed us in Baptism
as God's holy people,
who are sent to proclaim the kingdom of justice and love,
of freedom and peace,
today and until the end of time. [pause]
Do you believe in this HOLY SPIRIT?


P: We are God's Church,
living Christ's life in our world today,
one with the saints of ages past and yet to come,
and heirs to the promise of eternal life
with God and with all the faithful forever. [pause]
Do you believe that we are this CHURCH?



[Presider extends his hand over the Water Font and proclaims the Blessing.
The Choir sing / hum a hymn e.g. 'Come Holy Spirit…' as background to Presider's prayer.]

Lord and Father,
in every age you have made water a sign of your presence.

In the beginning, your Spirit brooded over the waters,
and so they became the source of all life.

Your chosen people passed through the waters to freedom.

By water, made holy by Christ in the Jordan,
we are baptized into him who transformed death to life.

Bless + this water.
Let your Spirit descend once again
on all of us gathered here today.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.


P: God has given us new birth by water and the Spirit.
May this water remind us of our Baptism.

CM Please make the 'Sign of the Cross' while you are being sprinkled with water.

Presider and Sanctuary Assistant move down the center and sprinkle the people.
Lay Assistants go to their designated areas. The Choir, who have been humming
in the background, now gradually raise the volume and sing the words

Come, Holy Spirit, we need you;
Come Holy Spirit, we pray;
Come with your strength and your power;
Come in your own special way.

Come, like a spring in the desert;
In waters of life we will bathe;
Come, with your life-giving finger;
Touch us and we will be saved.

Other suitable songs
e.g. 'When Jesus comes to be baptized' or 'New Life' may be sung as required.

Since the 'Profession of Faith' has already been included in the earlier Rite, the CREDO
is omitted.

The PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL (because of the length of earlier Ceremonies)
may also be omitted.

Instruction before the Preparation of the Gifts

Dear friends,
we have relived God's call and our adoption
as beloved sons and daughters in the Church.
Upon each of us some gift of the Spirit has come.
Now, as one united Body,
let us prepare to celebrate our Eucharist.

The Collection and the Presentation of the Gifts begin immediately.



P         St Luke tells us that it was while Jesus was praying
           that the Holy Spirit descended upon him
           and God spoke to him.
           So we now pray:

             With confidence we pray:

CM     Lord, listen to your people. (Please repeat)

    1. Gathered together in prayer, may we realize our dignity
      as a community of disciples who have been baptized
      in water and the Spirit.
      We pray:
    2. May all who are baptized into Christ Jesus become
      truly like him - forgiving, self-sacrificing
      and living by the law of love.
      We pray:
    3. For our departed brothers and sisters who have gone before us
      marked with the sign of baptism. May they enjoy eternal happiness.
      We pray:

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

P      Father, may we always listen to the voice of Jesus,
        your beloved Son, who was anointed with the Holy Spirit
        and with power. We ask this through the power of his name. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Heavenly Father,
we celebrate the revelation of Christ, your beloved Son,
the one who came up from the waters of the Jordan,
the one endowed with the Spirit of God,
the one on whom your favor rests.
Accept our gifts
and let them become one with his sacrifice,
for he is Lord for ever and ever

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

We have been baptized in the one SPIRIT
so we can pray to the FATHER
in the words of his beloved SON: Our Father ...

Deliver us Lord

[based on the Letter to Titus]

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil
and grant us your peace.
Revive in us the grace we received in our baptism
and guide us by your Holy Spirit.
May we always be open to hear your voice
as we wait for the blessed hope
and the manifestation of the glory
of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ,
anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power,
you said to your apostles:
"I leave you peace, my peace I give you."
Look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church,
and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever.

Exchange of Peace
Let us share with one another the gift of peace.

Optional Prayer to accompany the ‘Breaking of Bread’

P      When we break this BREAD
        and share this WINE
        we declare that we, the baptized,
        are willing to see all people as our brothers and sisters.
        We are all members of God's family:
A     LAMB OF GOD.....

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus,
the beloved Son of the Father,
the one on whom God's favor rests.
Blessed are we who are called to this table;
God's favor also rests upon us.

Lord, I am not worthy…

Prayer after Communion

God of splendor and glory,
you have opened heaven to us
to strengthen us with the BREAD OF LIFE
and to fill us with the Holy Spirit.
Grant that we may live as your chosen children
together with your beloved Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May the Spirit of the living God descend on you all this day. AMEN.

May the favor of the Lord rest upon you. AMEN.

And may you be known by God as his beloved now and forever. AMEN.

May God bless you, +
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  AMEN.


Our celebration is ended.
Let us go and live as baptized Christians.

Enlightened by Christ and anointed by the Spirit,
go now in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Related Resources
Daily Scripture Readings
from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops
Liturgy Alive
Models of Liturgical Celebration                  
About the Author
Fr. Kevin McHugh
is a Columban Missionary from Ireland
who has served in the Philippines for many years.
He has devoted much of his time and efforts to make the liturgical participation
come alive in our Christian communities.

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