Liturgy Guide
2nd Sunday of Lent (Year B)



The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who loved us and gave himself for us,
be with you all.

Introduction and Litany of Praise

Option A

On Mount Tabor, Jesus' disciples got a glimpse of the glory that was his as the Son of God. It was such a wonderful experience for them that Peter exclaimed, 'Lord, it is good for us to be here.'

And it is good for us to be here this (morning / evening) because we too get a glimpse of our own glory, for we too are beloved children of God. [Pause]

Option B

'This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!"
These words addressed to the apostles are now addressed to us.
Today we are asked to look at Jesus and listen to what he says to us.
Let us ask him to forgive our sins and free us from anything that hinders our hearing of the Gospel. [Pause]

For A & B

We pray to you, God of Abraham, Elijah and Moses.
Lord, have mercy.

We pray to you, God of all Christians.
Christ, have mercy.

We pray to you, God of all peoples.
Lord, have mercy.

Option C

Every year, on the 2nd Sunday of LENT, we read about the incident where Jesus was transfigured in the presence of his apostles. Sin disfigures us, so let us turn to the Lord for the help we need so that we too can experience transfiguration? We too can be transformed.

Lord, you help us to change hatred into love.
Lord, have mercy.

Lord, you help us to change bitterness into forgiveness.
Christ, have mercy.

Lord, you help us to change sorrow into joy.
Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

Option A

Ever faithful God,
you were well pleased with Abraham's obedience
and you accepted the sacrifice of your own Son,
who gave himself up for the sake of us all.
Train us by Christ's teaching and his obedience,
that, as we walk his way of sacrifice,
we may come to share in your glory.
Grant this through Christ, our deliverance and hope,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Option B

God of all goodness,
you did not spare your only-begotten Son
but gave him up for the sake of us sinners.
Strengthen within us the gift of obedient faith,
that, in all things, we may follow faithfully in Christ's footsteps,
and, with him, be transfigured in the light of your glory.
Grant this through Christ, our deliverance and hope,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.


Option A

Since God has sent his own Son into the world
we are sure that after such a gift
God will not refuse us anything He can give.
With faith we pray to our Father, and say:

Option B

To God who did not withhold his own Son but gave him up for us,
let us offer our intercessions, and say:

CM     Lord, transform us in your love.

     Please repeat:

  1. For the members of our Church:
    that we may have faith like Abraham's, ready to listen to
    the voice of God and to do his will in all things, we pray:

  2. May government officials listen to the voice of the poor and the weak instead
    of giving in to the demands of the rich and powerful, we pray:

  3. That the radiant face of Christ may shine on all exiles and refugees
    and be a sign of encouragement to those burdened with sickness, we pray:

  4. For the community gathered here today:
    that we will support each other in faith,
    encourage each other in difficulty,
    and strengthen each other in love, we pray:


Lord, if you are on our side, who can be against us?
Your Son pleads for us,
so we ask you to grant our petitions in his name. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, look upon the face of Christ your Son,
who gave himself up as a ransom for all.
As this bread and wine are changed
and become the food and drink of eternal life
may we become to those around us
bread of strength and wine of joy;
and may we reveal to them the face of Christ,
our Lord for ever and ever. AMEN.

[Please note that there is a special Preface - P13 - for today's Celebration.]

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

On Mount Tabor, the Father said to Jesus:
"This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him".
We are God's beloved sons and daughters and so we pray:

Deliver us Lord

Deliver us, Lord, from sin
and set us free from the fear of changing
and of becoming more like your Son.
During the Lenten season
may we be so touched by Jesus
that we will not be afraid
as we wait in joyful hope for his coming;
for he is the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus Christ,
you said to your apostles on the holy mountain:
'Rise, and do not be afraid.'
Look not on our sins,
but on the faith of your Church,
and grant us the peace and unity of your kingdom,
where you live for ever and ever.

Exchange of Peace

Jesus has made our peace by his death on the cross.
Let us now greet each other in that peace.

Optional Prayer to accompany the Breaking of Bread

This bread which we break is the bread of life.
It is the sign of Christ's body
offered in sacrifice
in a spirit of obedience to his Father's will.

Invitation to Communion

Option A

This is Jesus, God's Beloved Son.
It is good for us to be here to receive him.

Option B

Behold the Righteous One,
who was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit.
Lord, it is good for us to be here to receive him.

Prayer after Communion

Eternal Father,
you have brightened our lives today;
you have given us a glimpse into the life of Christ.
In times of darkness may we learn to listen to his voice,
and without fear,
commit ourselves to brighten the lives of the people around us.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.


May God the Father continue to call you his beloved. AMEN.

May you always be ready to listen to the voice of God the Son. AMEN.

May the Holy Spirit shower blessings upon you. AMEN.

And may the blessings of our God
+ Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
come down upon us today and remain with us for ever. AMEN.


Option A

'If God is for us, who can be against us?'
Let us go forth and proclaim this message!

Option B

Yes, Lord, it was good for us to be here!
Let us go forth and transform the world!


Related Resources
Daily Scripture Readings
from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops
Liturgy Alive
Models of Liturgical Celebration                  
About the Author
Fr. Kevin McHugh
is a Columban Missionary from Ireland
who has served in the Philippines for many years.
He has devoted much of his time and efforts to make the liturgical participation
come alive in our Christian communities.

For inquiries, you can email Fr Kevin at

P.O. Box 1608 MACAU, China
Tel. (+853) 28939-174 • Fax: (+853) 28937-596