Liturgy Guide
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

Sign of the Cross


From God the Father
and Christ Jesus our Savior,
grace and peace be with you.

Introduction and Litany of Praise

Each of us has received specific gifts from the Lord:
our life, our faith, our talents.
Have we made use of them as we should?
Or have we misused… or even abused them? (pause)

Lord, you bless those who walk in your ways:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Lord, you tell us to stay alert and sober:
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.

Lord, you give us talents to be used wisely:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

Option A
O God,
from whose own abundance
all gifts and skills are lavishly bestowed,
encourage us to use our talents
as generously as you have allotted them,
so that, being faithful to your purpose,
we may become sharers in your glory.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Option B
Into our hands, O generous God,
you have entrusted many graces and blessings.
Give us the wisdom to multiply your gifts
and make us industrious and vigilant
as we await your Son's return.
May we rejoice to hear him call us
"good and faithful servants"
as we enter into the joy of your kingdom.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever. AMEN.

Liturgy of the Word



P       Jesus teaches us to prepare for his coming by using well the gifts
         and opportunities he has given us. And so we pray.

             With confidence we pray:

CM     Lord, let all our actions praise you. (Please repeat)

    1. For our Church leaders: that they encourage the laity
      to develop the talents that God has given them
      and use them for the common good.
      We pray to the Lord:
    2. May our political leaders utilize their positions
      and abilities for the service of all, especially
      of the poor and the needy.
      We pray to the Lord:
    3. Like the industrious and reliable servants
      of the Gospel, may we appreciate hard
      and honest work as a means to build our lives.
      We pray to the Lord
    4. After having labored hard in this life,
      may our beloved dead at last come
      to their reward in heaven:
      We pray to the Lord:

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

P    Generous God, listen to our prayer.
      Help us to remain faithful in the small things of life,
      so that we may be trusted with greater things
      when we come into your kingdom.
      We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Generous God
we thank you for the talents that you have given to us.
"Teach us to be generous,
to give and not to count the cost
to labor and ask not for reward
except that of knowing that we do your holy will."
We make our prayer through Christ our Lord

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

As children of the light
we pray to God our Father the prayer of Jesus:
Our Father ...

Deliver us Lord  

Deliver us Lord, from the fears
that prevent us from using our talents
for the spread of your kingdom.
Rather, help us to develop them
so that we may give a good account to him who is to come,
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles:
"Let your light shine."
Grant that we may live as 'children of the light
and children of the day',
so that we can 'share in the joy' of your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever . AMEN

Exchange of Peace
One talent that we must use is that of spreading the peace of Christ.
Remembering this, let us offer one another a sign of peace.

Optional Prayer to accompany the ‘Breaking of Bread’

P      Father, you once fed your people manna in the desert.
        You now feed us with this bread of life.
        May its many pieces broken from one loaf
        be a reminder that we are a community of believers
        dedicated to the service of one another.

A     LAMB OF GOD.....

Invitation to Communion

Option A
This is Jesus Christ.
He will come back on the last day
to bring us into the joy of his Father.
Blessed are we who are invited to his Supper.

Lord, I am not worthy…

Option B
They will come from east and west and from north and south
to sit at table in the kingdom of God.
Blessed are those who are called to the banquet of the Lamb.

Lord, I am not worthy…

Prayer after Communion   

Lord God,
we thank you for the gift of Jesus, your Son,
and for the many other gifts you have given us.
May we use them for your greater honor and glory
by being 'good and faithful servants '
"reaching out to the poor and needy".
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May you always know the depth of God's love for you. AMEN

May you continue to live as children of the light. AMEN.

And may you always reach out to the poor and needy. AMEN.

May almighty God bless you,
+ the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


The Lord has given you many talents.
Go… and use them in building up God's kingdom.
Thanks be to God.

Related Resources
Daily Scripture Readings
from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops
Liturgy Alive
Models of Liturgical Celebration                   
About the Author
Fr. Kevin McHugh
is a Columban Missionary from Ireland
who has served in the Philippines for many years.
He has devoted much of his time and efforts to make the liturgical participation
come alive in our Christian communities.

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