Liturgy Guide
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)


Sign of the Cross


Option A
May the peace of Jesus, the Good Shepherd,
be always with you.

Option B
Jesus came to bring peace to the world:
peace to those who are far away,
and peace to those who are close-by.
May that peace be always with you

Introduction and Litany of Praise

Option A
Christ is our shepherd…
sensitive to our needs… guiding us… protecting us.
Just as sheep need their shepherd,
we need Christ if we are to become
responsible members of Christ's flock. (pause)

Lord Jesus, you have shown us the way to the Father:
Lord, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, your heart is full of compassion
for those who stray:
Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd,
leading us into everlasting life:
Lord, have mercy.

Option B
Every page of the Gospel shows that Jesus
really cared about people. He cares about us too.
Therefore, let us approach him in a spirit of trust and love. (pause)

Lord, you are our shepherd, granting us all we need:
Lord, have mercy.

You are with us even if we walk through the valley of darkness:
Christ, have mercy.

You call us to dwell in your own house for ever and ever:
Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

Option A
Compassionate God,
from far and near you gather your Church into one.
Safeguard the unity of your flock
through the teaching of Christ the Shepherd,
that all your scattered children may find in him
the guidance and nourishment they seek.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever

Option B

As we gather again, O God,
on this first day of the week,
grant your church the joy of tasting again
the living presence of Jesus Christ,
in the word that is proclaimed
and in the bread of life that we break.

Let us recognize in him
the true prophet and shepherd
who guides us to the springs of eternal life.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever

Liturgy of the Word



P       Let us pray to the Father who loves us so much that he sent his Son to be our Shepherd and Friend.

             With confidence we pray:

CM     Have mercy on your people, Lord. (Please repeat)

    1. For all the shepherds of God's people: (pause)
      may they be shepherds after Jesus' own heart,
      caring for those entrusted to their care and leading
      them with courage and compassion.
      We pray:
    2. For government officials and civil leaders: (pause)
      may they follow the example of Jesus
      who humbled himself to serve and to minister
      to the people's needs.
      We pray:
    3. For all who are lost, lonely or depressed: (pause)
      may they experience the love of Christ
      through the concern and help of others.
      We pray:
    4. For all of us gathered here: (pause)
      may we support our shepherds in their ministry
      and understand and forgive their weaknesses and limitations.
      We pray:

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

P     God of compassion and peace,
       may we who have experienced the love of Christ,
       the Good Shepherd,
       show that same love to others.
       We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Compassionate Father,
in these signs of bread and wine
your Son Jesus comes among us.
Grant that he may
comfort us when we are weary,
listen to us when we turn to him
and be present when we need him.
For he is our Lord and Shepherd
now and for ever. AMEN.

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

Our God is a God who cares.
Full of trust, we pray with Jesus, our good Shepherd:

Our Father ...

Deliver us Lord  

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil
and grant us peace in our day.
Help us to be shepherds to one another,
as we wait in joyful hope
for the coming in glory
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your disciples:
"Come to me,
all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest."

Grant peace to all who cry out in their suffering
so that there will be one new humanity in your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever. AMEN

Exchange of Peace
Christ is our peace and he has made us into one new humanity.
So let us offer one another a sign of peace.

Optional Prayer to accompany the ‘Breaking of Bread’

P      Father, you feed us with this bread of life.
        May its many pieces, broken from one loaf,
        be a reminder that we are a community of believers
        dedicated to the service of others.

A     LAMB OF GOD.....

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, whose heart is moved to pity
when he sees that we are like sheep without a shepherd.
Blessed are we who have been invited to his table.

Lord, I am not worthy…

Prayer after Communion   

God of mercy and compassion,
we thank you for giving us Jesus,
the true shepherd.
Give to your Church today
pastors molded in the image of your Son,
so that, sharing the grief and anguish,
the joy and hopes of your people
we may advance together on the way to your kingdom.
All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May Jesus, the true shepherd, lead you to pastures of peace. AMEN.

May he always seek you when you wander from his presence. AMEN.

And when he calls your name, may you hear his voice. AMEN.

And may the blessings of our loving God,
+ Father, Son and Spirit,
be with you and abide with you always. AMEN.


In Jesus, we have been given a loyal friend.
Let us go and share him with others.
Thanks be to God.

Related Resources
Daily Scripture Readings
from the United States Conference
of Catholic Bishops
Liturgy Alive
Models of Liturgical Celebration                  
About the Author
Fr. Kevin McHugh
is a Columban Missionary from Ireland
who has served in the Philippines for many years.
He has devoted much of his time and efforts to make the liturgical participation
come alive in our Christian communities.

For inquiries, you can email Fr Kevin at

P.O. Box 1608 MACAU, China
Tel. (+853) 28939-174 • Fax: (+853) 28937-596